Command Line Tools in Mavericks (Mac OS X 10.9)

Things have changed

In previes releases of Xcode, you went into Preferences and then to the Downloads tab, and choose to download and install Command Line Tools. In Xcode 5 this have changed. It have been removed, and a new way is intodused. The best part of the new way, is that you don’t even have to install Xcode 5 to get Command Line Tools anymore.

The new way

  1. Open up an terminal ( or Step 01

  2. Enter the following command xcode-select --install. Step 02 This will start a wizard that will help you install Command Line Tools in your installation of Mavericks.

  3. Click on “install” to start the installation wizzard. Step 03

  4. Agree to the License Agreement Step 04

  5. The Installation will ask you for admin rights and start the installation. Step 05

  6. After the installation is complete, you have Command Line Tools installed.